The HarlowPortal will try and match people in need of services with those who can supply the service.  The HarlowPortal does not endorse, recommend or otherwise guarantee the quality of the services we feature, or their actual availability or cost to the client.  The HarlowPortal can not take or accept any liability for cost, loss or other problems that are encountered by clients, both users and suppliers, by using any such services.

Services that are advertised and circulated by the HarlowPortal will usually be free to the client, or at modest cost.  It is for the client and the supplier to agree fees, dates, locations, and other commitments to the service, between themselves.  Any fees or costs that we put out on the website or otherwise will be in good faith, and for guidance only.

Clients and suppliers who submit details to the HarlowPortal do so on the understanding that details supplied may be circulated to any suitable supplier or client, mainly in electronic format but also using other media such as telephone, contact lists, word of mouth etc.  No client or supplier should therefore submit confidential telephone details (such as ex-directory numbers), as these may be supplied directly to suitable service providers.

Clients and suppliers who wish to cancel their registration with the HarlowPortal may do so at any time, and the HarlowPortal will endeavour to process this request as soon as possible.  There may however be some unavoidable delay before this can happen.  Cancellation is best done by email return but other contact methods are indicated and can be used.

The Harlow CDA is setting up and running the HarlowPortal.  The Harlow CDA is registration number Z9950796 with the Information Commissioner's Office in compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998.

Finally, we hope that all users of our service get what they are searching for.  We would appreciate any feedback and comments you wish to make and hope you will mention the HarlowPortal to others if you are satisfied with the service you are or have been getting.



 Harlow CDA is generously supported by a grant from Harlow District Council and the Co-operative Fund

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The HarlowPortal is an initiative devised and developed by the Harlow CDA supported by Lottery funding